The Bernard M. Gordon Learning Factory

Fall 2022


EDSGN 100 Cornerstone

Student teams in EDSGN 100 used a variety of design tools and techniques to design, prototype, and evaluate a solution to a problem posed by the project sponsor: Wabtec Corporation. The project tasked the students with designing a zero-emission system to replace the diesel-operated trucks currently operating in open pit mines. Through the lens of systems thinking and sustainability, students followed similar design processes to identify understand the current system, ideate potential solutions, and evaluate and communicate a proposed solution through an iterative, multi-week project. One team was selected by each EDSGN 100 section to represent their section at the design showcase. You can read more about EDSGN 100 on the Cornerstone Engineering Design Website.


Catenary Excellency

Catenary Excellency

The objective of this project is to eliminate Wabtec's diesel use by 2030...

The Batenary

The Batenary

The objective of this project is to create a greener and cheaper method...



The objective of this project is to create an efficient, feasible...