The objective of this project is to solve Goodwill’s issue of inefficient transportation of hangers through a small implementation in the design of the hanger.


Team Members

Peter Fiore    Andrew Aguila    Ben Ginder    James Voight      

Instructor: Dr. Mariantonieta Gutierrez Soto, Nathan Lorah

Project Poster

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Project Summary

The TriHanger solves Goodwill’s problems of inefficient transportation, broken hangers, and ecological impact. Our hanger transportation process allows for stacks of hangers to be moved in and out of trucks, around stores, and onto racks with ease. Also, it will decrease how many hangers will be tangled and broken, in turn saving Goodwill time and money. Finally, the TriHanger will be made out of HDPE (high density polyethylene), a stronger, reusable, and more eco-friendly material than what is currently used in hangers, polystyrene. The TriHanger will solve multiple problems Goodwill has with their current hangers, in one small implementation to the design of their current hanger.