The objective of this project is to design a hanger that will optimize transporting hangers from Goodwill’s store to the warehouse.


Team Members

Emily Azarian    Aiden Hsu    Alexis Laviola    Brayden Lehmkuhl      

Instructor: Qin Yin

Project Poster

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Project Summary

The EZHang aims to optimize the transportation process between Goodwill’s stores and warehouse. The hanger will be able to address sustainability issues. When folded into a box EZHang will allow for no tangling or breaking of itself. With more space for these hangers in the gaylords, the transportation time will be reduced, and money will be saved. The easy use of the hanger will allow for more jobs and a happier work environment. To use the hanger all that needs to be done is to pull one side up on the box, then to pull the hook out of the inside part of the hanger. There are gaps on the bottom of the hanger that will allow for pants to be hung.