The objective of this project is to make the transportation of merchandise within Goodwill Keystone Area’s stores more efficient, more controlled, and safer.


Team Members

Tyler Stevens    Ryan Baker    Gabriel Morales    Bryce Lewis      

Instructor: Elizabeth Starkey

Project Poster

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Project Summary

Goodwill’s current system for transporting clothes around the salesfloor using traditional Z-Racks takes excessive time, is clumsy to maneuver, is a hazard for customers and employees, and blocks customers from navigating the aisles. Our goal is to keep the simplicity and stability of the traditional Z-Rack while making the system more efficient, controlled, and safer for all stakeholders, while maintaining sustainability. Throughout our design process, Goodwill’s values and key issues were kept in mind. From mapping out the process and defining stakeholder pain points and needs, we ideated and created prototypes to best solve these issues. The core design chosen is a combination of a new connecting Z-Rack system and a Z-Rack with a handlebar for enhanced control. Further prototyping helped to define the key characteristics of the rack such as the height of the handlebar, hanger transfer methods, and different latch types. The Link ‘n Rack is the result of the complete design process. With this system, the racks create the aisles on the salesfloor. It features locking wheels, a handlebar, latches to connect to other racks, collapsible vertical beams, and a build in bridge for hanger movement across racks. The Link ‘n Rack works by being able to replace empty racks in the aisles with a new full rack. If a rack needs to be replaced, but some clothes are remaining, the vertical bars can be dropped, and the bridge placed across adjacent racks to allow for clothes to be slid from one rack to another. Now with an empty Z-Rack, the wheels can be unlocked, and latches undone to allow for a new full rack to replace it. This design adds to the sustainability of Goodwill because it is more time-efficient by transferring clothes faster. Additionally, it is constructed of durable and recyclable aluminum. Furthermore, the handle is placed at a comfortable height for all users. Finally, since this is the only product needed for transporting and storing clothes, there is a reduction in costs for repairing them and a reduction in overall training. This new system is more efficient than the traditional Z-Rack system, decreases the time that racks are on the salesfloor blocking the aisles, and provides employees with more control over the rack, while also allowing the store to have a modular store layout.