The objective of this project is to provide a design for Goodwill Keystone in order to make their processes more effective in as many ways as possible to save time, money, space, and much more.


Team Members

William Davies    Nikolas Cebular    Janie Natale    Harrison Hoch      

Instructor: Neda Ghaeili

Project Poster

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Project Summary

The Extendo-Bendo hanger is a compact and fast-hanging hanger. It is easy to use and will not require any training or alterations to Goodwill Keystone’s current processes. By being able to extend, it addresses both issues of space and adjustability. These effects pale in comparison to the time saving ability which saves the enormous amounts of money through the bend and snap mechanism. The Extendo-Bendo Hanger V3 has been produced and tested to save time, money, space, and much more.