Our device, Porta-Hanger, provides an easy and efficient way to package and transport hangers, so they do not break or tangle.


Team Members

Avery Needham    Kristen Roddy    Evan Le    Zackary Julian      

Instructor: Ruiquan Huang

Project Poster

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Project Summary

The objective of this project was to create a more effective way to pack, unpack, and ship hangers from warehouse to store and back. We aimed to eliminate the original time and labor consuming process of rubber banding hangers together in packs of 10. While thinking of a solution for this problem, we had to keep sustainability in mind as it is a goal for Goodwill Keystone. Keeping this in mind would overall allow us to create an even better and efficient solution to this problem. In the document, our group details how we designed alpha prototypes, screened through them, then decided on core ideas for our beta prototypes. Our focus remained towards sustainability and being able to easily transport hangers. We also sifted through those prototypes after testing, combining the most successful ideas, a portable hanger with handles that has a base which hangers can be placed around. Through beta prototype testing, we gathered data such as which idea is the most durable and what is the best material to use for the final project. After much ideation and crafting, we developed a final prototype that requires very little labor, is not expensive to manufacture, is durable, and is profitable for every user.