The project’s objective was to design and improve upon the current Human-Powered Vehicle from previous teams to meet all ASME Human Powered Vehicle Competition guidelines.


Team Members

Dominic Yannetta    Gregory Adams    Matthew Lorfink    Abdulrahman Alsaadi    Mishaal El Mamoun Ahmed               

Instructor: Gary Neal


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Project Summary



The American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME) host a human-powered vehicle competition. ASME’s Human Powered Vehicle competition is an engineering and innovation challenge in which students are given the opportunity to apply engineering principles through the design, fabrication, and racing of human powered vehicles. The Fall 2023 ASME Human-Powered Vehicle team was tasked with building off the Spring 2023 team’s design to create a functioning an electrically assisted human-powered vehicle.


-Understand the Spring team’s design and find areas that need improvement and or redesigning

-Comprehend the rules and regulations for the ASME Human-Powered Vehicle Competition

-Research and design innovative features:

-User friendly steering system

-Redesign and add functioning back brake

-Throttle controlled motor assist

-Redesign front wheel mounts

-Addition of safety features


-The team held a meeting with their sponsor to understand the previous teams work and to get a list of customer needs for the project.

-The team held bi-weekly meetings with their sponsor and instructor to update them on progress and to gain advice on the future steps for the project.

-The team researched potential solutions from the customer needs:

-User friendly steering system

-Redesign and add functioning back brake

-Throttle controlled motor assist

-Redesign front wheel mounts

-Addition of safety features

-The team created a schedule using a gantt chart to monitor their progress and to stay on time. They also identified a critical path as which new feature would be most important, the critical path was defined as the steering system.

-The team brainstormed concepts that turned into prototypes, these prototypes were evaluated and redesigned to meet the needs of the customer.

-Once the final prototype was complete, various tests were conducted to make sure the vehicle meets all requirements of the ASME HPV competition guidelines.


-The team was able to design and manufacture a functioning Human-Powered Vehicle with electrical assistance.

-The new features were within all boundaries set by the ASME HPV competition guidelines. These features include:

-User friendly steering system

-Redesign and add functioning back brake

-Throttle controlled motor assist

-Redesign front wheel mounts

-Addition of safety features

-A Microsoft teams file including all SolidWorks designs, manufacturing analyses, reports, designs, video footage, finance documents, and various documentation was made accessible to the following teams