The goal of this project is to design a robotic site monitoring device for the central line insertion site and to create a partnered system that alerts healthcare workers of a potential infection.


Team Members

Kiera Deppen    Shri Vennu    Bruno Machado    Abigal Chalovich    Malavika Nair               

Instructor(s): Lyndsey Hylbert


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Project Summary



This device successfully detects various signs of infection including redness, pus, blood, or combinations of the three using AI technology. The graphical interface changes color and displays a warning message based on the sign detected.


– Develop a system to continuously monitor a central line dressing site and detect if detect signs of infection.
– Device should be easily movable.
– Alert an ICU nurse if signs of infection present.​
– Assist nurses in patient monitoring.


Created a code that detects various signs of infection including redness, pus, blood, or combinations of the three.

Disclaimer: This project is guarded by and Intellectual Property.


– This device successfully detects various signs of infection including redness, pus, blood, or combinations of the three.
– The graphical interface changes color and displays a warning message based on the sign detected.