The object was to design a reaction wheel system capable of generating torque to robustly balance the system.

Team Members

Donovan Gorgas | Tyler Bos | Haram Kweon | Gregory Schweiker | Geran Triano | | | | | | |

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Project Summary


The goal of the project was to successfully balance an unstable two-axis inverted pendulum using induced torque from two mounted flywheels. These flywheels are powered by two motors selected by the sponsor that have the specifications to produce the required torque. A 9-DOF (degree of freedom) inertial measuring unit (IMU) is on top of the pendulum to track movement in each axis, and this data is sent to an Arduino that contains a reinforcement learning model. This reinforcement learning model will then provide the necessary outputs to successfully keep the pendulum balanced.


-To design a reaction wheel system capable of generating torque to robustly balance the system

-Integrate new high torque motors into the current prototype and refine Arduino code

-Finalize machine learning algorithm to provide correct stabilizing inputs to the Arduino


-Conducted basic research on other two-axis balancing systems by graduate teams

-Considered three different flywheel geometry before settling on a wheel with spokes

-Created MATLAB scripts to find flywheel moment of inertia and necessary system balancing torque

-Obtained system constraints to finalize flywheel geometry with sponsor’s approval

-Refined SolidWorks modelling for system with new motors, motor holders, and flywheels

-Project was continued from last semester; all the requirements were given and last year’s work to us (ex. Sample AI code guideline and new motor (Maxon EC 60 flat) motor and new motor controller (ESCON 70/10))

-Conducted test work with last year’s motor and motor controller with IMU input given by Arduino code to produce stabilizing motor torque

-OpenAI gym with TensorFlow was used to simulate the system dynamics.

-Created PID (proportional-integral-derivative) controller with python coding

-Tested the new motor controller with MAXON ESCON studio and encountered hall sensor error


-Future teams will have detailed documentation that will allow them to continue the project

-The sponsor will have a completed SolidWorks model and a quote for costs involved with machining the flywheels

-A completed PID controller