House Points for Learning Factory

The objective of this project is to implement an attendance tracking system at the Learning Factory, incentivizing students to more frequently utilize the facility and allowing staff members to track usage. Sponsored By: PSU Learning Factory 4 Team Members Kelsie...

Reference Miner Tool

The objective of this project is to locate and identify reference numbers in a pdf document. Sponsored By: Westinghouse Electric Corporation

Underwater Towed Sensor Platform

🏆 Winner: Third Place – Best Project Award Our objective was to continue the progress of the previous team by building a robust electrical system that would utilize a coded control system in order to maintain the vehicle at a specified depth as it is towed by a motor...

Energy Dashboard

The objective of this project is to provide the Borough of State College with an energy dashboard. Sponsored By: Sustainable Communities Collaborative and the Borough of State College Team Members Grant Burton | Jacob Young | Trevor Faust | Tyler Yarington | Hamad...

Tail Rotor Proximity Warning System

🏆 Winner: Second Place – Best Poster Design and construct a proximity warning system for a helicopter tail rotor. Sponsored By: Bell Flight Inc.