The objective of this project is to create a physical simulator for John Hopkins University Applied Physics Lab that replicates the movement of a ship deck in varying sea conditions for UAV testing.
John Hopkins University Applied Physics Lab
Team Members
Abraham George | Muchen Li | Brandon Adde | Robert McHugh | | | | | | | |
Project Poster
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Project Summary
John Hopkins University Applied Physics Lab (JHU APL) is currently helping the US Navy design Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs) for use in naval settings. As part of this design process, JHU must be able to test UAVs in conditions comparable to a ship deck, especially with regards to the motion of the landing surface. Our team has been asked to create a physical simulator for JHU that replicates the movement of a ship deck in varying sea conditions for prototype testing.
To design an inexpensive, 8×16 foot, 3 degrees of freedom (DOF) ship motion simulator which must:
– Translate along z-axis (heave) and rotate about the y-axis (pitch) and x axis (roll).
– Support a 1000 pound drone undergoing 2g loading.
– Allow the user to control the platform’s motion through a GUI interface.
– Use only consumer available off the shelf components.
Additionally, our team had to build and demonstrate a scale model of our design as a proof of concept.
– Participated in weekly calls with our JHU sponsor to provide progress updates and gather information about ship motion, sea states, and JHU’s design goals.
– Researched sea conditions, ship behavior, and existing 3 DOF platforms.
– Created and tested prototypes of our initial designs, identifying the best design using a concept selection matrix.
– Constructed a scale model of our final design. We tested this model to ensure it could accurately model sea conditions while a drone performed take-off and landing procedures.
– Used C to develop a control algorithm for the simulator and the GTK library to create a GUI.
– Used Solid Works to develop and test the structural design of our system using finite element analysis.
Our final design will be able to help JHU test their navel UAVs. The main features of the design are:
– A cost of $24,363, which fits within the price range set by JHU.
– The ability to accurately model ocean conditions up to sea state 5.
– A maximum structural load of 14,000 pounds, reflecting a tough design.
– A maximum capacity of 3,000 pounds, allowing the platform to operate during drone take-off and landing.
– A control system with a GUI that allows for seamless user interaction.