🏆 Winner: Best Corporate Sponsor Award
The objective of this project is to design a system that tracks the shoe’s position on the top platform, creates a shield around the perimeter of the shoe sole, and sanitizes with radiative light rays.
Nittany Solutions Group, LLC
Team Members
Aaron Rohlfing | Christopher Martin | John Baldwin | Timothy Lukens | Yao Li | Yixin Xiong | | | | | |
Project Poster
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Project Summary
Throughout this pandemic, the need for quick and effective sanitation is at an all-time high. One solution is to use radiative light to sanitize the bottom of people’s shoes. However, this radiative light can be harmful to a person’s skin, and therefore needs to have some type of protective barrier keeping the light from escaping the product. The sponsor tasked the team to do this with an array of smart glass-like cells that can be turned on and off to either allow radiative light to pass or not.
The team’s main objective is to develop the technology for these smart glass-like cells to outline the shape an object that is placed on top of them. This technology will then be combined safety protocols, user interfaces, and a case than can support around 500lbs.
-Discussed with sponsor and professor about the general design criteria
-Reviewed the main competitor’s product studying its case design, radiative light technology, and light blocking method
-Heavily researched methods and materials needed for the product to work
-Ordered sensors and microprocessors to test
-Assigned specific design responsibilities to each member of the team
-Performed bi-weekly team reviews to discuss findings and test results
-Discussed the significance of these findings
-Discussed the pros and cons of the current project direction
-Created initial outer case CAD design
-Created circuit board CAD designs
-Asked for professional advice for both designs before ordering
-Ordered the case and circuit boards
-Assembled the first product prototype
-Customers will have a safer experience when using radiative light rays to sanitize
-The sponsor will have a proof of concept for their product idea
-The sponsor will have a product that will be able to scale up or down to fit the customers’ needs