Design an AMD treatment system that treats contaminated water in Project 70 Ditch.



Team Members

John He    Anna Filipkowski    Racheal Frew    Charles Webb IV                        

Instructor: William Burgos


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Project Summary


In the Environmental Engineering Capstone design course this semester, our team was given the task of designing a passive acid mine drainage (AMD) treatment system. AMD is a widespread issue in Pennsylvania that affects the water quality of many streams and their aquatic habitats. Our team was assigned a site location with an existing system in place, or in our case, a site for a potential system to be constructed. We conducted research and collected data to move forward.


-Design an economical and efficient passive AMD treatment system to replace Project 70 soccer fields.

-Treat the water so that the effluent meets the BAMR design standards.

-Design the system in a way that the community can continue to benefit from the recreational use of the area


-Conduct a comprehensive analysis of the site’s history, current use, and water chemistry.

-Determine the appropriate design standards and potential AMD treatment systems that could be implemented at Project 70 Ditch.

-Select the best AMD treatment system for Project 70 Ditch.


-Drainable limestone bed treatment system has the maximum treatment efficiency.

-Treatment system must be tailored to the specific site constraints and downsized to 800 gallons per minute

-Treatment system will incorporate platforms, walkways, and wetlands park to meet the communities recreational needs.