The objective of this project is to design a mineral hauling vehicle that produces no tailpipe emissions and is cost effective for operators.
Team Members
Ethan Pricco Daniel Semet Raghd Altemani Annsley Philip
Instructor: Dr. Tianliang Yu
Project Poster
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Project Summary
In order to reduce tailpipe emissions in mines, our group designed a mineral hauling truck that is powered by hydrogen fuel cells. Fuel cells work by splitting protons and electrons in hydrogen atoms apart, the electrons create an electric flow and when the protons and electrons are introduced to oxygen, they create water molecules. A big advantage of fuel cells is that they produce no carbon but only water vapor. These trucks will have similar in-mine performance compared to the diesel-powered trucks while being cleaner and more cost effective. By implementing these trucks into their hauling fleets, mines will receive similar output while producing less harmful emissions and while saving money.