The objective of this project is to Produce Sustainable Mining Trucks with cleaner and more sustainable energy.
Team Members
Joshua Zaragoza Adam Cully Elisabeth Caldwalader Ajwad Bin Mohd Nizam
Instructor: Susan Beyerle, Shakthi Suresh
Project Poster
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Project Summary
The objective of the Hylectro system is to provide an innovative mining operation alternative
for Wabtec that is both economically and environmentally sustainable. As expected, the process
started with research. The team took an in-depth look at the given statement of work and conducted
research to comprehend it and consider the simplified cost equation provided therein. This was
followed by “how might we…” statements and brainstorming for solutions, documenting various
concepts. From this, ideas were derived that ranged from catapults to regenerative braking and
were consequently sorted. Each member of the team then took an idea from the sorted pile and ran
with it: additional loading areas, on-site refineries, conveyor belts, and the aforementioned
regenerative braking. To check the validity of each solution, each member considered specific
criteria that affected the effectiveness of the idea. After receiving feedback from other colleagues,
analyzing a seed idea, and analyzing the fuel economy of current mining trucks, the team
determined that regenerative braking was the most optimal solution and explored it further.
The next step was to again consider the catenary system that Wabtec proposed as a
solution. The team quickly determined that this system was not only not viable economically, but
that it also posed multiple safety issues and cycle time for the trucks. Using data that was
determined in the Energy Analysis Spreadsheet, the team also gained crucial insight into the cost of
the mine and was able to derive a baseline cost that an effective solution would undercut. Moving
forward, the team decided to base efforts around the question “How can fuel usage be reduced to
increase sustainability?”. With this came an important distinction, the energy system in the trucks
would be a hydrogen-electric hybrid. Beta testing followed and gave insight into the cost of
implementing regenerative braking, the shortcomings of full-electric systems, wind power being the
most suitable for powering the mine, and the savings involved with maintenance when working on
electric vehicles. With this new information, the final design was constructed as a hydrogen-electric
hybrid with regenerative braking incorporated. This design is very environmentally friendly with only
water by-products while being much more economically feasible. It’s projected that, even with hefty
upfront costs, Wabtec would break even after only six years and profit considerably thereafter.
Overall, Hylectro is the solution Wabtec needs and this report outlines exactly how beneficial it will
be to the company.