The Bernard M. Gordon Learning Factory
Spring 2023
Capstone Projects in Civil and Environmental Engineering
Transportation Capstone 2023 Team 15
Civil Engineering
Project 70 Ditch Acid Mine Drainage Treatment System
Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering
State College Inner Loop
Civil Engineering
Eastern Inner Loop
Civil Engineering
Final Design for Chiller Seeps Passive Treatment System
Civil Engineering Department
Construction Engineering Management Capstone Project
Civil and Environmental Engineering
Flood Mitigation on Bayberry Drive
Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering
Redesign of the Eric J. Barron Innovation Hub in State College, PA
Penn State Civil and Environmental Engineering
CE 448W Capstone: Eric J. Barron Innovation Hub Redesign
Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering
NAFCO Cold Storage Warehouse Expansion
Civil Engineering
Eric J. Barron Innovation Hub Redesign
Civil Engineering
State College Borough Nuisance Flooding on Residential Properties
State College Borough
CE 421W Capstone: East Inner Loop Alternative
Penn State University
Eastern Inner Loop Alignment Design
Civil Engineering
Civil and Environmental Engineering
CE 448W Structures Capstone Project – Team 7
Civil and Environmental Engineering
Structural Design of the Eric J. Barron Innovation Hub
Civil and Environmental Engineering
Transportation Design Capstone: Completing the Inner Loop of State College, PA
Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering
Team 3 CE 448W Capstone Project
Penn State University Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering
Eric J. Barron Innovation Hub Structural Design
Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering
Restoration of Cold Stream Watershed: Stump & Stump Jr.
Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering
Eastern Inner Loop Proposal
Penn State Department of Civil Engineering
West 2 Engineering Campus Bid Proposal
Civil and Environmental Engineering Department
James Building Replacement Construction Project
Penn State Civil and Environmental Engineering
Eric J. Barron Innovation Hub Redesign
Civil Engineering Department
Cold Stream Watershed Restoration: Mine Drift Site
Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering
CE 465W Team Raindrop Low Impact Development Solutions
State College Borough
Eastern Inner Loop Extension
Civil and Environmental Engineering
State College Eastern Inner Loop Roadway Design
Penn State Civil Engineering Department
Gr8 Construction Bid
Civil Engineering
40 Patterson – Nittany Contracting Company
CE 421w Transportation Capstone Team 4
Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering
Eastern Inner Loop Design Project
The Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering
Cold Stream Restoration: Shotgun Seeps & PennDOT Siphon
Moshannon Creek Watershed Association
Eastern Inner Loop Capstone Project
The Pennsylvania State University Civil Engineering Department
CE 438W Group 6 – The Pennsylvania State University Research and Teaching Space 2 (West 2)
Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering
The Eric J. Barron Innovation Hub Building’s Structural Design
The Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering
Proposed Alternative to Transportation Problem in the State College Area
Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering
Easten Inner Loop Completion
Civil and Enviromental Engineering
AMD Treatment System Design Project for Fossil Rock
Moshannon Creek Watershed Association
Chiller Theater Seeps Acid Mine Drainage Passive Treatment System Design
Moshannon Creek Watershed Association
CE438W: Construction Management of PSU West 2
Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering