Our team was tasked with testing the results of having multiple generators connected with drive belts on a wind turbine as opposed to the current design which only has a single generator per wind turbine and determine how this modification will affect the power output.


Team Members

Jake Fenimore    Brendan Mckenna    Fouad Awwad    Phalguni Karumuri                  

Instructor: Tak Sing Wong


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Project Summary



The challenge presented to our group, from our Sponsor Jillian Shay, was to increase the power generation of a wind turbine. Specifically, our team was tasked with testing the results of having multiple generators strapped together on a wind turbine as opposed to the current design which only has a single generator per wind turbine and how that will affect the power output.


The main objective is to increase the power generation of a wind turbine by strapping multiple generators together on top of each other per wind turbine as opposed to having a single generator per wind turbine. With that being the main objective, our sub-objectives are to test and compare different designs and configurations to figure out which one has the most power output.


• First, we defined our goals and plans for how to test and try to achieve them.
• Afterwards we started developing our prototype wind turbine.
• 3d modeled a base and connector to have a physical prototype.
• 3d printed the model.
• Connected with a contact at the wind tunnel.
• Got access and developed our second prototype.
• Ensured proper fit of the generators once they arrived and fit of the turbine in the wind tunnel.
• Printed and assembled the second prototype.
• Refined hub design and blade angle and started testing different configurations.
• Applied and electrical load to ensure accurate results.
• Performed final tests and confirmed accurate results.


• Demonstrated that adding more motors to the system resulted in lower power output.
• Found that the optimal drive belt configuration was a simple loop around the pulleys.