The objective of this project is to reduce hanger tangling and clutter in Goodwill’s stores through a new and improved hanger design.
Team Members
Josh Coleman Zahra Albasha Marcos Terroba Rivero
Instructor: Tianliang Yu
Project Poster
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Project Summary
The main objective was to create and design a new product that aligns with Goodwill Keystone’s design criteria. These include increasing productivity, decreasing inefficiencies, simplifying operations, and enabling Goodwill’s training activities. The analysis concluded the significant challenges faced on stores due to hangers’ breakage, tangling, and lack of storage capacity. In addition to making efforts to improve hangers for Goodwill Keystone’s operations. Whereas in the design review process it requires collecting feedback from classmates which are followed by providing solutions and addressing these concerns. The first round of prototyping in this project concluded that filling in the centre of the hanger and a redesign of the existing loop were in order. Changing these items would help to reduce hanger tangling and work to solve Goodwill’s problems in this area. From this initial round of prototyping the end vision was formed, a hanger that somehow does it all in one streamline package. In the next round of prototyping the specifics surrounding the design were explored. The idea of having a flex slot for pants to hang from was represented from cardboard and proven to be effective. The flexible hook hanger design was also proven to be effective in reducing tangling of hangers along with a filled in design. Finally, the optimal material to produce the hanger was determined to be ABS plastic. These results were then combined, and the All-In-One Hanger solution was born. The team throughout this project focused on simplifying the task of using hangers, with this goal in mind we arrived at our final prototype. Our prototype includes a simplistic design as we approach a very simple problem, the ALL-IN-ONE hanger is equipped with four very distinct features that increase the functionality of the hanger, these features including our snap hook technology at the hook of the hanger, the pants lock that amplifies the use of the hanger, and our super strong teeth system that allows for a flexible part that does NOT reduce the strength of the hanger in any way, this way no pants are left out from our hanger. While in testing, our product showcased very positive qualities, we were able to use all types of clothing and even added extra weight to the areas that seemed vulnerable to breaking, and the product was unfaced by these tests.