The objective of this project was to improve the hanging process at Goodwill.


Team Members

Evan Mueller    Taylor Montgonery    Hannah Waner    Yahah Alsomali      

Instructor: Jackie Huff

Project Poster

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Project Summary

My team is tackling the hanger process and how to make the process more efficient to save
money and improve worker productivity. As seen in figure 1. Goodwill Keystone ships hangers too
stores where the hangers are then sorted into shirt and pant hangers. An employee then takes a
piece of clothing and hangs it on the hanger for the item of clothing and puts a tag on the piece of
clothing. The employee takes the hanged piece of clothing and hangs it on a Z-rack. The employee
then takes the Z-rack with many different pieces clothing out onto the floor to be hung up on racks on
the floor. The hanger will then sit on the rack until taken off. A hanger is taken off the floor by one of
two ways either by a customer deciding they want to purchase the item, or an employee takes the
hanger off the floor if the piece of clothing has been on the floor for a week. If the piece of clothing
was picked by a costumer the costumer takes the hanger and item of clothing to the register and pays
for the item leaving the hanger with the cashier. The hanger is then taken to the back of the store to
be sorted by employees. If the hanger is taken off the rack by an employee after it has been hung up
for a week the piece of clothing is taken off the rack and taken to the back of the store then takes the
piece of clothing off the hanger and the hanger is reused but the piece of clothing is sent to either
another second-hand store or landfill and the process starts again.