The objective of this project is to create a more sustainable, efficient, and protective form of transportation for Goodwill’s hangers.


Team Members

Angel Ramos    Tyler Wojciechowski    Melanie Luong    Michael Henzes      

Instructor: Jesse McTernan

Project Poster

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Project Summary

For our project, we created a method of hanger transportation that will be more protective and efficient, all in a sustainable manner. We are calling our design “The Trox”. Our design is essentially two triangular cardboard containers that will snap into place, creating a rectangular unit, which then gets stacked into the Gaylords, offering a greater level of organization. Overall, our design is made from recycled cardboard, allowing our design to remain within Goodwill’s sustainability standards. Additionally, we opted for a design that allows for the two triangular containers to slide together, or stand apart. This gives workers more options to be able to carry more manageable loads of hangers and have more of a say in just the number of hangers they wish to move around from within the store.