The project consists of the design for a gas mitigation control panel (GMCP), the choice and analysis of igniters, and the interface between the GMCP and the igniters.


Team Members

Ashwin Cheekala    Roi Bowser    Jacob Ostrowski    Mark Skrincosky                  

Instructor: David Cubanski


Project Poster

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Project Summary



This project focuses on the creation of an Explosive Gas Mitigation System (EGMS). The EGMS prevents potential gas explosions by burning potentially explosive gases at low concentrations in an enclosed environment before the gas buildup in that area becomes unsafe. The EGMS will detect propane solely for the context of this project and includes a control panel to relay critical performance metrics to the user and interface with the ignitors performing the controlled burning.


Our team was tasked with creating an explosive gas mitigation system, which prevents damaging gas detonations by burning and consuming potentially explosive gas at low concentrations within a confined space, and before gas buildup within that space is unsafe. The project consisted of the design for a gas mitigation control panel, the choice and analysis of an ignition method, and the interface between the control panel and the igniters.


– Met with the representatives of BPMI, Brian Aippersbach, Marcus Montisano, and Alex Shafley, at the beginning of the semester to establish the objectives, deliverables, and customer needs for this project.

– Conducted research on different ignition methods, material selection, and the proper circuitry and electrical components.

– Reviewed how the existing process for how the flow of the process for an explosive gas mitigation works, mainly in industrial settings.

– Created a state machine diagram and a block diagram to help visualize the project’s construction, both physically and for coding.

– Created CAD models for the user interface and the gas mitigation control panel.

– Fabricated a prototype for strictly proof of concept, with multiple phases of testing for individual components to ensure proper performance.

– Validated results by having the desired lights and indicators perform the proper actions on the control panel.


This project provided proof of concept for BPMI to implement a new method of explosive gas mitigation. The supporting circuitry will allow the user to identify if the concentration, pressure, and temperature of the gas is not suitable for proper mitigation in terms of the system we procured.