Foundational Learners Group Introduction

The group tasked to dive into our relationships with Foundational Learners consists of Amanda Clossen, Glenn Masuchika, Rebecca Peterson, Rebecca Waltz, and Amy White. This group is working to explore our department’s relationship with foundational learners, both currently and in the future.

Our goals for this group are as follows:

  • Assess the needs of our foundational user groups.
  • Review the strengths and weaknesses of current and past approaches to foundational instructions.
  • Complete an analysis of teaching models.
  • Articulate a scaled way forward for foundational instruction.

To that end, the group’s first task is to create an inventory of all instructional situations Library Learning Services engages in. We are exploring not just the numbers of instructional interactions, but our relationships with course coordinators and comparing commonalities in syllabi for the courses that we have both interacted with in the past as well as those we hope to interact with in the future.

We also have plans to meet with Assessment to discuss the possibility of focus groups of both foundational students as well as instructors. Through this sort of investigation, we hope to gain a better picture of what our students need and our instructors want.

Any questions about this group can be sent to Amanda Clossen at


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