Daily Archives: March 14, 2013

Statement of support for Dale Askey

Statement of support aims to protect free speech and defend academic freedom

The University Libraries’ Library Faculty Organization (LFO) voted yesterday to issue a statement of support for MacMaster University Librarian Dale Askey in the lawsuit brought against him by Herbert Richardson, and urged other libraries to follow suit. The suit brought by Richardson, Mellen Press founder, is over alleged defamatory remarks about him personally.

LFO’s statement can be read at http://www.libraries.psu.edu/psul/groups/lfo/support-statement.html

More on the lawsuit can be read at http://www.infodocket.com/2013/03/04/edwin-mellen-press-drops-lawsuit-against-mcmaster-librarian-dale-askey/ and at http://www.infodocket.com/2013/03/08/second-mellen-press-lawsuit-against-dale-askey-will-proceed-canadian-library-association-continues-to-offer-support/

For additional information, contact Mike Furlough, associate dean for research and scholarly communication, at mjf25@psu.edu or 814-863-5447.