New: Menu of options for main library phone number

By Chris Holobar

In mid-March, the main library phone contact number (814-865-6368) was converted to a menu of options:

“Hello, you’ve reached the Penn State University Libraries at University Park. Please select from the following menu of options:

  • For Pattee Library and Paterno library hours, press 1 (transfers to the library hours line recording)
  • For information about borrowing or renewing library materials or your library account, press 2 (transfers to Lending Services)
  • To reserve a group study room, press 3 (transfers to the Knowledge Commons desk line)
  •   For help with a project or paper, or finding library resources or services, press 4 (also transfers to the Knowledge Commons desk line)
  • For all other questions or to speak to a library staff member, press 5 (transfers to Lending Services)
  •  To hear these choices again, press 6

We chose these options based upon staff experience with the calls that we typically receive on this line and in collaboration with Knowledge Commons staff. We hope that this will prove more efficient for both library users and staff.