MOOCs and copyright

Acknowledging the importance of the topic, the University Libraries will host “MOOCs and Copyright Management for Online Courses,” a Webcast, on December 6, 1–2:30 p.m., Foster Auditorium, 102 Paterno Library. As the popularity of Massive Online Open Courses (MOOCs) grow, their integration into curricula necessitates careful consideration of copyright issues, such as ownership of content, fair use of third-party materials, and the TEACH Act (Technology, Education and Copyright Harmonization Act of 2002).

The program, which is free and open to the public, is of special interest to faculty, academic administrators and librarians, who are facilitating the transition from traditional classrooms to online courses in an arena where definitions of the law may not have caught up with technology. The Webcast will address major copyright issues that arise from institutional creation of or participation in MOOCs and will provide a broad understanding of key copyright issues, including work for hire, fair use and third party provider and permission seeking.

The program is from Academic Impressions, and the instructor is Kevin L. Smith, J.D. and director of copyright and scholarly communications, Perkins Library, Duke University. No registration is required, although due to limited space, seating will be on a first-come, first-served basis.

For more information or if you anticipate needing accessibility accommodations or have questions about the physical access provided, please contact Martha Ney at or 814-863-5447, during normal business hours.