- Five shortcuts for faster text selection in iOS
- International GIS Day events
- Graphic novelist Jim Woodring to speak
- LHR News
- Save the date: Dean’s Diversity Forum
- Events: Oct. 27
- International patrons presentation recording
- Digital Stewardship blog update
- Meet the Open House grand prize winners
- Faculty news
- DeStress Survey
- LionSearch Update
- Access to HathiTrust for print disabled
Daily Archives: October 27, 2014
Five shortcuts for faster text selection in iOS
By Ryan Johnson, technology training coordinator
Ever need to copy, share, or speak text on iOS? Of course you do. Here are four different shortcuts that can make the process quick and easy.
Note – These tricks may not work in every app
1. Tap twice on word to select whole word.
2. Tap four times on paragraph to select whole paragraph.
3. Put one finger in the beginning of desired selection and the other in the end and hold for a while. Text between fingers is selected.
4. Tap twice in the beginning of desired selection and immediately start dragging pin to extend it. (don’t detach finger after second tap).
Penn State to celebrate International GIS Day
GIS Day, the annual, worldwide salute to geospatial technology and its power to transform and better lives, is coming to Penn State on Wednesday, Nov. 19, during Geography Awareness Week, Nov. 16 to 22. The University Libraries and the Department of Geography are co-sponsoring the event to raise awareness of geospatial information, the many possibilities and opportunities of geographic information systems (GIS) and activities related to GIS at University Park.
Activities include:
- Information Fair, 1 to 4 p.m., in the Mann Assembly Room, 103 Paterno Library, with demonstrations of real-world applications of GIS that make a difference in society.
- Poster Display, 1 to 5 p.m., Franklin Atrium, first floor Pattee Library, a showcase of GIS research activities at Penn State.
- GIS Networking Reception, 4 to 5 p.m., Social Sciences Library, 208 Paterno Library, with refreshments and an opportunity to meet and greet each other. This is an opportunity to meet and greet the GIS services team for the Data Learning Center.
The first formal GIS day occurred in 1999, to show how GIS applications use a combination of hardware, software and people to enhance understanding of geographic data to create informed decisions and explanations for the phenomena and events around us. GIS has a 20–year history at Penn State.
Groups represented at this year’s event will include Pennsylvania Spatial Data Access (PASDA), Geographic Information Analysis (GIA), Core of the Social Science Research Institute (SSRI), geodesign graduate degree programs, Office of the Physical Plant (OPP) and groups from the Department of Geography, such as the Gould Center, GIS Coalition and the Online Geospatial Program.
The program is free and open to the public, and students, staff and faculty are urged to attend to learn about GIS and the many applications. For additional information on GIS Day, see the website.
For more information or if you anticipate needing accessibility accommodations or have questions about the physical access provided, contact Tara LaLonde, GIS specialist, at tll38@psu.edu or 814-863-5753.
Graphic novelist Jim Woodring to speak in Paterno Library
Graphic novelist Jim Woodring will speak from 4 to 5:30 p.m. Wednesday, Nov. 19, in Foster Auditorium, 102 Paterno Library. Woodring won the Lynd Ward Prize for Graphic Novel of the Year for 2014, for “Fran,” published by Fantagraphics Books. As described by the selection jury, “Hypnotic and subliminal while entertaining and compelling, ‘Fran’s’ dream world is at once familiar and unsettling, a conduit to mental states that, in many ways, only the graphic novel can achieve. Woodring’s work poses a refreshing change from the trend towards wordy graphic memoir, entreating the reader to reckon with a world whose language we cannot capture in our own.” Full story
LHR News: Oct. 27
Please join us in welcoming the following new hires:
Breana Moore, Penn State Wilkes-Barre
Kristian Tienda-Lange, Penn State Beaver
Jonathan Ligrani, Arts and Humanities Library
Rachael Hartman, Arts and Humanities Library
Daylight Savings Time Ends November 2
This is a reminder that Daylight Savings Time ends and Eastern Standard Time begins Sunday, November 2, 2014, at 2 a.m. Clocks are moved back one hour.
Dean’s Diversity Forum on Nov. 18
Please save the date, Tuesday, November 18, 10 –11a.m., Foster Auditorium (and Mediasite) for the 2014 Dean’s Diversity Forum. Janice S. Welburn, dean of Libraries, Marquette University, will be our featured speaker. Welburn has a distinguished career in research librarianship, including holding the designation of ACRL Librarian of the Year, and has written and presented extensively on diversity and other areas.
Events: Oct. 27
October 29, 12:15 p.m.: Ocean Frontiers: The Dawn of a New Era in Ocean StewardshipSeries of three short episodes on the ocean and sustainability, 18 Deike Bldg. EMSL Film Series. Featuring:
- Ocean Blueprint in the Florida Keys (11 min.)
- Saving Whales at Stellwagen Bank (27 min.)
- Iowa Farmers & Gulf of Mexico (22 min.)
October 29, 8:30 – 11 a.m.: What the Libraries Can Do for You, training for Penn State staff on essential library services and resources. Program starts at 9 a.m. in Foster Aud. following refreshments in Mann. Email mcg13@psu.edu for information.
October 30, noon–3:00 p.m.: Digital Literary Studies Seminar Series Part I. Computational Stylistics, 23 Pattee Library (News and Microforms Library). Instructor: James O’Sullivan. To register, visit the Humanities Lab website.
October 30, 3–5 p.m.: Libraries’ Halloween Party 2014, in Mann Assembly Room. Enjoy snacks, a costume contest, games, and prizes and have fun! Event organized by the Safety Committee and UPLEA. (see flyer from last week)
November 3, 11 a.m. Libraries Human Resources Forum, Foster Auditorium and MediaSite Live. Topics include:
- New Performance Management System – YOU@PSU
- Libraries Training Interest Survey Results
- Open Enrollment for Benefits
November 3, 3:00 – 4:30 p.m.: Update on the recently established ITS unit — Services and Solutions — which DLT joined at the beginning of this calendar year. What does this reorganization mean for the UL? What has been happening over the last few months? What’s next? Please join us in the Mann Assembly Room on to answer these and other questions. Refreshments will be served. Adobe Connect details to come.
November 4 – 10–11 a.m. So HELP Me: Improving Customer Service. Part 1. Register in TechSmart.
November 5, 1 p.m.: Introduction to EndNote, W315 Pattee.
November 5, 12:15 p.m. : The Creek Runs Red (film) 18 Deike. How lead and zinc mining has impacted the 100-year old town of Picher, Oklahoma. See schedule
November 5, 9:00 am – Noon: Preparing and Planning for Change. Organized by LHR. Presenter: Cheryl Johnson, Mann Assembly Room. Register: http://portal.outreach.psu.edu/search/publicCourseSectionDetails.do?method=load§ionId=1117727
November 6, 10-11 a.m.: So HELP Me, Part 2. Register in TechSmart.
November 6, 2014, 7:30pm: 2014-2015 Mary E. Rolling Reading Series presents Chinelo Okparanta, the author of Happiness, Like Water, a 2013 New York Times Sunday Book Review Editors’ Choice. Foster Auditorium. Okparanta’s writing has appeared in GRANTA, The New Yorker, The Kenyon Review, and Tin House, among others. Her story “America” was selected as a notable story for Best American Short Stories 2013. She earned her undergraduate degree from Penn State.
November 11, 10 a.m.: Introduction to Mendeley, 302 Paterno
November 12,12:15 p.m.: Extreme by Design (film). A cross disciplinary approach to find ways to help solve health issues amongst the world’s poorest populations. 18 Deike. See schedule
November 13, 2–4 p.m.: Content Management Systems for the Humanities, 140 Pattee Library (Knowledge Commons). Instructors: Kate Miffitt, director of Digital Pedagogy and Scholarship, and James O’Sullivan. To register, visit the Humanities Lab website.
November 13 – 3–4 p.m. So HELP Me: Improving Customer Service. Part 1. Register in TechSmart.
November 14, 4 p.m.: “Moving the Chains,” archival footage of great moments in Penn State football, Foster Aud. and MediaSite Live.
November 18, 10 a.m.: Dean’s Diversity Forum with Janice Welburn. Foster Aud. and MediaSite Live. Welburn has a very distinguished career in research librarianship including holding the designation of ACRL Librarian of the Year. She has written and presented extensively on diversity and a number of other topics.
November 19, 12:15 p.m.: Asbestos Connection (film). The discovery, production, and health effects of asbestos. 18 Deike. See schedule
November 19: GIS Day. The University Libraries is co-sponsoring an event with the Department of Geography to raise awareness of geospatial information and the many possibilities and opportunities of geographic information systems (GIS). Check out the GIS Day webpage for more information: http://www.libraries.psu.edu/psul/researchhub/gis-day.html
Information Fair: 1-4 p.m., Mann Assembly Room, Paterno Library
Poster Display: The Atrium of Pattee Library
GIS Networking Reception: 4–5 p.m., 208 Paterno Library
Please encourage students, staff, and faculty to attend to learn about what is GIS and its many application areas.
November 19, 4 p.m.: Presentation by graphic novelist Jim Woodring, Foster Aud. Woodring won the Lynd Ward Prize for Graphic Novel of the Year for 2014 for “Fran,” published by Fantagraphics Books. Read the full story on Penn State News.
November 20, noon–2 p.m.: Digital Literary Studies Seminar Series Part II. Network Analysis, 23 Pattee Library (News and Microforms Library). Instructors: Dawn Childress and James O’Sullivan. To register, visit the Humanities Lab website.
‘Getting to Know International Patrons’ online recording
If you were unable to attend the “Getting to Know International Patrons” presentation by Dawn Amsberry and Amy White, you can access the recording at
https://meeting.psu.edu/p7waag3h59f/. The PowerPoint can also be accessed at https://psu.box.com/internationalpatrons.
Digital Stewardship blog update
Learn more about the ScholarSphere Users Group in the Digital Stewardship blog’s latest post:
Meet the Open House Grand Prize Winners
All of the prizes have (finally) been distributed. Are you curious about who the Open House Grand prize winners are? Check them out on the Open House site: http://www.libraries.psu.edu/psul/openhouse/2014_winners.html — Megan Gilpin
Faculty News
Penn State Abington Librarian Binh Le has a number of recent achievements of note:
- His article, “Academic Library Leadership in the Digital Age,” has been accepted for publication in the forthcoming issue (vol. 36, issue 1/2) of Library Management. This paper was previously presented at the Seventh Shanghai International Library Forum, held in Shanghai, China, July 9 -11, 2014.
- His proposal, “Asian American Academic Library Leadership Attainment: Challenges and Development,” has been accepted for presentation at the 2015 ACRL Conference to be held in Portland, OR, March 25-28, 2015.
- He presented a poster session, “Vietnam’s Library Resource Centers: A Model for Developing Modern Academic Libraries in Developing Countries,” at the 2014 IFLA World Library and Information Congress, Lyon, France, August 16 – 22, 2014.
- He has been appointed as chair of ALA IRC East Asia and the Pacific Subcommittee.
DeStress survey
The Libraries’ DeStress Fest Committee is seeking your input for this year’s DeStress Fest. Complete our survey https://www.surveymonkey.com/s/SS7FH6R for a chance to win a library prize pack. Deadline to enter is Friday, October 31. Thanks for your help! — Rita Buhite
LionSearch Update
Submitted by Binky Lush
The October 15 Summon upgrade added the following enhancements to Lionsearch:
- Accessibility
ProQuest has added improved keyboard navigation, modal dialog support, and ARIA Alerts. In their next release they will achieve WCAG 2.0 compliance by changing some text and link colors to increase contrast. - Advanced Search
users can select more than one content type as they have converted the Content Type drop-down to a multiple select option - Faster page loads
ProQuest has increased the speed of page loads for Summon 2.0 by modifying the user interface so that assets load asynchronously
Newly Indexed Content
- Chadwyck Healey – Queen Victoria’s Journals
Access to HathiTrust for the print disabled
By Ann Snowman
HathiTrust’s Update on September Activities reminds us that “member institutions are able to gain access to in-copyright works in HathiTrust for users at their institutions who are certified as having a print disability.” You can find more information about the service at http://www.hathitrust.org/accessibility. Susan Hayya, Coordinator for Adaptive Technology and Services, is Penn State Libraries’ authorized proxy for users who have print disabilities. Reach her at 865-0248, shh2@psu.edu.