Reminder: cards available to alert parents of unattended children

cardsBy Rita Buhite,
User Services training coordinator

These pink cards are currently available for use at service desks. While we love seeing patrons of all ages in our libraries, sometimes we see young children left unattended. This may pose a problem to both library staff and to our young patrons. It is not the Libraries’ intention to seek out unattended children but rather to have a reasoned response prepared as problems present themselves.

The cards are a short note to parents explaining that we are excited to have their child in the library, but we cannot provide childcare to children left unattended in our facility.

Children under 12 should not be unattended by a parent or caregiver. Every effort should be made to inform parents bringing children under 12 to the Libraries that the parents (or caregivers) are responsible for supervising those children. Children under 12 without parents present will be given a card explaining the Penn State University Libraries policy, with a request to give the card to their caregiver or parent.

Policies and Procedures for the Safety and Well-Being of Children in the University Libraries can be found in Policy UL-AD28.