Undergraduate scholarship application due May 1

Librarians and staff at all campuses, please share this information about Libraries scholarships: Are you an undergraduate student with an interest in library and information science? Consider applying for a University Libraries scholarship. The Libraries offer a number of awards annually to outstanding Penn State undergraduates who are considering pursuing a master’s degree in library and information science. The scholarships are intended to help with current school costs.

If you’ve never thought about a career in library and information science before, you may not be aware of the wide range of opportunities that exist in this field, including working with academic, business, or public organizations, and in teaching and research.

The deadline for submission of the scholarship application is Friday, May 1. Details about each award, application details and an application form are available online.www.libraries.psu.edu/psul/scholarships.html. For more information, contact Sandy Confer at 814-863-3665 or slb3@psu.edu.