Daily Archives: April 27, 2015

Library News: April 27

Join the soon-to-be charged Research Data Group in the Libraries!

LHR News

April Events

Greg Crawford Transitioning to New Role 

Don’t Fall for Penn State Password Scams


Green Tips

IT Strategies Minutes

It’s not like anyone is going to see my feet…

West Virginia University dean of Libraries visits Penn State

New database offers wealth of financial data related to energy industry

EMS Library well represented at 2015 water Symposium

Collection on Sharon “Peachie” Wiggins donated to Penn State

Common Core and Copyright workshop planned for librarians

2015 MediaTech Expo to be held on May 11

Research travel grant award winners announced

Students win awards for sustainability research

2015 University Libraries awards recipients


Greg Crawford Transitioning to New Role

After almost 22 years with the University Libraries, including 10 years as Director of the Library at Penn State Harrisburg, Greg Crawford will be leaving the Libraries to assume a new role at Penn State Harrisburg. As of July 1, 2015 Greg will become the the Interim Director of the School of Humanities.   Under Greg’s leadership the library at Penn State Harrisburg has flourished and been at the forefront of advances in both technology and public services. Please join me in congratulating Greg on his new position and wishing him well.

– Christine Avery

Don’t fall for Penn State Password Scams

Penn State will never ask you for your Access ID password by email.   Many times you will receive fake emails that appear to come from the ITS helpdesk.  Many of these can be easily discounted because the return address is phony or verbage in the email is obviously fake and can be ignored.  But sometimes the email scam can look fairly legitimate.

Every year you are required to change your Access ID password, you will start receiving emails that look like this:


Whether you forget your password or your password will expire soon or has expired (like mine has above) the only website you need to know is:



You will then click on the appropriate link and change your password as necessary.


by Ann Snowman

Last fall we implemented the new procedure for eliminating long overdue and long missing books from University Libraries’ catalog.  The previous summer was spent searching one last time for MISSING items, then any item not found and reclaimed through a simple discharge was marked WITHDRAWN, the same status that is applied to weeded materials.

In October 2014 all of the records for anything marked withdrawn before October 2013 were moved to the library policy ZREMOVED.  This is a shadowed status only visible to operators in Workflows, the staff interface to the catalog.  Items consigned to the ZREMOVED library will remain there for reference perpetually.
ZREMOVED now has a collection representing 445,397 copies of former holdings.  Any item appearing in ZREMOVED represents something we once owned but is now gone, either through purposeful deselection as in the case of the Elsevier volumes, or because it cannot be accounted for (MISSING), or it was loaned  but never returned (LOST).
A search of Director’s Station reveals that 81% of the ZREMOVED copies were published between 1950-1999.  Item Type BOOK represents the highest number of copies in ZREMOVED. The most plentiful copies in a call number range appear in the H (Social Sciences) classification.
As a result of implementing this procedure we ensure that a diligent search for missing items is conducted; and items no longer available to our users do not appear in the catalog, saving time and frustration; at the same time we retain an historical record of their disposal.
This process is part of an emerging comprehensive collection management program that will ensure that our tangible collections are accounted for and reliably represented in the CAT.  Deduplication of low use monographs will follow and these processes will be repeated each year.

Green Tips

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Green Tips

Q: I’d like to know if I can recycle receipts in the mixed paper bins. Also, the wax paper that my prescriptions come in cvs, is that recyclable in the mixed paper?


A:  Library receipts should go in the Blue Bag since they may have personal information on them.  There are Blue Bags in several of the departments.


CVS bags would be recycled at home since they are not Penn State or work related generated waste.


Thanks for the question.



the UL Green Committee

2015 University Libraries awards recipients

Dean Barbara I. Dewey announced the recipients of the 2015 Libraries awards recently. The recipients will be honored at an award ceremony on Friday, May 15, 2015, at 2:30 p.m. in the Foster Auditorium. A reception will follow in the Charles W. Mann, Jr. Assembly Room, 103 Paterno Library. Are are invited to attend.

University Libraries Award: Bonnie Imler, head Librarian, Robert E. Eiche Library, Penn State Altoona

Margaret Knoll Spangler Oliver Libraries Award: Megan MacGregor, information resources and services support specialist, Wilkes-Barre Nesbit Library, and Verne Neff, manager, Collection Maintenance and the Annexes

University Libraries Diversity Award: Mohamed Berray and Rachel Smith, Libraries Diversity Residents

University Libraries Teaching Award: Amanda Clossen, learning design librarian

Congratulations to Bonnie, Megan, Verne, Mohamed, Rachel and Amanda!

Students win awards for sustainability research

Three students received awards for their research last week, as part of the second Annual Award for Undergraduate Research on Sustainability and the Environment.

First prize ($1,000): Kelsey Czyzyk
Czyzyk is a graduating senior majoring in biological engineering in the natural resource engineering option. She has been heavily involved in the Humanitarian Engineering and Social Entrepreneurship (HESE) program. Within HESE, Kelsey was part of the affordable greenhouse venture. She spent last spring working towards expanding the venture into Sierra Leone, where she traveled with a group of HESE students in June. Her research, for which she won this award, was part of this project. It focused on measuring the water savings of the greenhouses as opposed to open air farms. This research was also pivotal in the venture receiving a grant from USAID’s Securing Water for Food competition. After graduation, Kelsey will attend Colorado State University where she will pursue her masters in civil and environmental engineering, focusing on hydrology and water resource engineering.

Second prize ($500): Alexandra Sorce
Sorce is a sophomore at Penn State Behrend, and will be transferring to University Park in the fall to continue pursuing her studies. She is majoring in community and economic development, with minors in sustainability leadership and women’s studies. Her goal is to work with a non-profit organization or foundation. Sorce is vice president/secretary of Greener Behrend, a student organization centered around implementing environmental friendliness and service on campus and around the Erie area.

Second prize ($500):Andrew Madl
Madl is a student in the Stuckeman School working towards the bachelor’s of landscape architecture. His interest in this field is focused on the visualization and figuration of site systems that promote performance and drive design through the implementation of digital technologies. Madl’s work and interest in design is heavily influenced by the artwork of Salvador Dali, with the goal of transforming everyday spaces into unique spatial experiences. Over the past five years, Madl has held internships with Michael van Valkenburgh Associates and Landworks Studio. He has been awarded the 2014 Golumbic Scholarship from the Pennsylvania State University College of Arts and Architecture and a Pennsylvania/Delaware ASLA Honor Award. Madl will be attending the Harvard Graduate School of Design for graduate studies. Upon graduating, Andrew aspires to work at a firm that is multidisciplinary in its approach to design and to one day establish his own firm.

The award, offered each spring, is open to undergraduate students at all Penn State campuses, including Penn State World Campus. For more information.

Research travel grant award winners announced

The Eberly Family Special Collections Library recently announced the winners of the 2015 research travel awards program. This annual program offers travel awards to researchers whose work would benefit from accessing the collections at Penn State.

All winners will visit the Special Collections Library between June and August. During their visit, the winners will be invited to give a short, informal presentation about their research that will be open to the public.

Albert M. Petska Eighth Air Force Archives winner: David Cain, 2nd Air Division Memorial Library and the University of East Anglia.
Cain will be researching the social interaction of the 8th USAAF with local British people in the East of England between 1942 – 1945, with special focus on the relationship of 8th USAAF service persons to landscape and local people in Britain.

Dorothy Foehr Huck award winners:

  • Bob Hodges, University of Washington
    Hodges will be researching 19th and 20th century utopian literature in support of his dissertation “Figurations of Modernity in Antebellum U. S. Romances.”
  • J. Wesley Leckrone, Widener University
    Leckrone is writing a book entitled “Governing the Commonwealth: Politics, Policy and Executive Power in Pennsylvania.” The primary topic is the use of gubernatorial power by the five executives elected since 1980.
  • Angelique Szymanek, SUNY Binghamton
    Szymanek’s topic is “Representations of Rape in Visual Culture.” Her dissertation focuses on the relationship between feminist art production and the anti-rape movement in the U.S. throughout the 1970s and she will be using the Judy Chicago Art Education Collection to support her work.

Helen F. Faust Women Writers award winners:

  • Amanda Stuckey, College of William & Mary
    Stuckey will be researching bodily behavior in the nineteenth-century boy book. She studies the female authorship of children’s books in order to understand how the genre of the boy book emerged alongside mid to late nineteenth-century understandings of what constituted able-bodied, self-controlled, disciplined children’s bodies and behavior.
  • Arielle Zibrak, University of Wyoming
    Zibrak’s topic is “Writing Against Reform: Aesthetic Counter-Traditions in the Age of Progress.” Her book project attempts to dislodge the critical myth that popular literature and political reform were wholly coherent movements by highlighting significant writers like Rebecca Harding Davis, Kate Chopin, and Edith Wharton who, while committed to social change, wrote against reform, and its underrepresented externalities.

For more information or call Tim Pyatt at 814-865-7931.

2015 MediaTech Expo to be held on May 11

See the latest technology for home and office at this year’s Technology Expo on Monday, May 11, from 11-3pm, in the President’s Hall, Penn Stater Conference Center, University Park campus.

This free event, organized by Media and Technology Support Services (MediaTech), will bring together more than 15 vendors under one roof to demonstrate the latest technology, including projectors, touch-screen control systems, smart boards, portable and whole-house sound systems, video/data switchers, document cameras, digital video cameras, podiums and other equipment and devices.

Product vendors and MediaTech staff will be on hand to answer questions and demonstrate the use of the equipment. The event is open to the public. For more information, call 814-865-5400.

Common Core and Copyright workshop planned for librarians

Librarians, library staff and library advocates are invited to register for “3C Workshop: Common Core and Copyright,” from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m., on May 13, at the Port-Sky Café, Penn State Altoona. The program is organized by the Pennsylvania Library Association’s Juniata-Conemaugh Chapter.

Penn State Education Librarian and assistant director of the Pennsylvania Center for the Book Ellysa Stern-Cahoy and Brandy Karl, Penn State University Libraries copyright officer and affiliate law library faculty member, will conduct the workshop. Stern-Cahoy will focus on issues surrounding the Common Core and how Pennsylvania has adapted the standards, while Karl will address questions such as, “Can I copy materials for a patron?” and “Do I need to post a copyright notice?”

Register. Public librarians can earn two continuing education credits for their participation.

The workshop costs $30 for PaLA members and $50 for non-members and includes morning refreshments and lunch. The registration deadline is May 1. For more information, contact the Juniata-Conemaugh Chapter Chair, Linda Filkosky, dlc@altoonalibrary.org / 814-946-0417 x134.

Collection on Sharon “Peachie” Wiggins donated to Penn State

A research collection on Sharon Margarette “Peachie” Wiggins (1951–2013) has been donated to the Eberly Family Special Collections Library, further strengthening Penn State’s existing resources on social justice, crime, law, sociology, psychology, women’s studies, public safety and criminology.

Wiggins was originally sentenced to death in 1969 for a crime committed at the age of 17 along with Samuel Barlow and Foster Tarver in Harrisburg, Pennsylvania. Two and a half years later, all three had their sentences commuted to life without the possibility of parole. At the time of her death in 2013, Wiggins had served the longest term of any woman sentenced as a juvenile.
The collection was created by Ellen Melchiondo, who, in 2011, became Wiggins’ friend and soon after an Official Visitor at Pennsylvania Prison Society. The collection documents Wiggins’ life in prison and provides a forum to discuss the policy implications of long-term sentences for juvenile and women offenders.

Wiggins was named Prisoner of the Year in 2009, to honor four decades spent rising above the prison environment through commitment to education and strength of character. Wiggins was the first graduate of the Penn State Williamsport Center’s associate degree program, part of its continuing education at the State Correctional Institution in Muncy. In later years she served as a student services liaison for the educational program.

Highlights of the collection include biographical material about Wiggins, correspondence, interviews and writings from current and former women prisoners, and advocacy efforts by the Pennsylvania Prison Society for Wiggins and other juvenile offenders. Also featured in the collection are letters from female offenders detailing their friendship with Wiggins and the impact she had on their lives. Melchiondo reports, “Peachie was the consummate friend and leader who selflessly shared her refined value system, spirit and grace throughout the Muncy.”

The collection serves as a vital addition to an existing collecting focus within the Penn State Special Collections Library centered on social justice, crime and related fields. Access to the collection is subject to normal operating hours, Monday–Thursday, 9:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m., and Fridays, 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Questions about the collection can be directed to University Archivist Jackie Esposito or 814-863-3791 or Melchiondo .

EMS Library well represented at 2015 Water Symposium

IMG_20150422_144044250On Wednesday April 22, as part of the 2015 Water Symposium, Earth and Mineral Sciences Library personnel Liz Long, James Searfoss, Tracy Roth, Aaron Procious and Linda Musser were in the HUB sharing information about library services and information resources related to water.

“We asked passersby to complete the phrase ‘Libraries help me….’ and received many interesting responses, which we then posted on the tables. Over 150 people stopped by to talk about the library or ask about our resources,” said Musser, Earth and Mineral Sciences Library head.

Among the responses were:

Libraries help me….
better focus on my studies
work harder
get the literature for my thesis
to learn and explore
concentrate on my work and learn
have a quiet place to study
get my work done!

New database offers wealth of financial data related to energy industry

SNL Energy, like the recently announced SNL Kagen database, features detailed business and market information related to energy industries. This was a collaborative purchase across six Penn State units, one of which is the Libraries. The direct URL.

SNL Energy provides detailed data on the North American energy industry including news, pricing, financial data and energy company information. Daily and weekly data are available and can be downloaded to spreadsheets for further analysis. Sectors covered include coal, natural gas, electric power and renewables. Newsletters available include Daily Coal Report, Daily Gas Report, FERC Gas Report, Gas Utility Weekly, Energy Finance Daily, and many others. — Linda Musser

West Virginia University dean of Libraries visits Penn State


Cawthorne and Dewey — photo by Wilson Hutton

Dean Barbara I. Dewey invited a special guest speaker to her forum last week, Jon Cawthorne, dean of Libraries, West Virginia University. Cawthorne’s talk was titled “Beyond Our Walls: The 21st Century West Virginia University Libraries.” Cawthorne has been at WVU for about one year. During his visit to Penn State he met library administrators, Libraries’ strategic planning groups, Resident Librarians and representatives from the Diversity Committee.