Teaching and Learning baseline assessment survey update

The Strategic Plan Working Group on Teaching and Learning has been charged with implementing the Teaching and Learning portion of the strategic plan, and our first step in doing so is to gather quantitative information to develop a profile of the teaching and learning activities we already perform. This will allow us to develop an action plan for the future. This information is being gathered via on online survey that was sent to Unit Heads in April and was due at the end of May.

We are currently at a 79% response rate, with 26 out of 33 units reporting. If you are one of the seven remaining units who has not responded, please do so quickly or get in touch with Jennifer Gilley (jrg15@psu.edu). It is very important that we include all of the available data on our teaching activities in order to create an accurate portrait of our contributions in this area.

The online survey is available at: https://surveys.libraries.psu.edu/TakeSurvey.aspx?PageNumber=1&SurveyID=8l31m76&Preview=true

A copy of the survey in Word document form can be found on the Strategic Plan Intranet at: https://www.libraries.psu.edu/psul/groups/intranet/strat_plan_groups.html Jennifer Gilley