‘Getting to know you’: Megan Mac Gregor

by Andrea Pritt, Penn State Mont Alto Campus Library

Born in Alabama and raised in Pepperell, Massachusetts, Megan Mac Gregor now resides in
Wilkes-Barre, PA. She joined the Nesbitt Library in September 2010 and has been working at the Wilkes-Barre campus ever since. Megan started her new position as the student engagement and outreach librarian (the first of its kind) in August 2015 and has been busy coordinating library events and marketing the library services to the campus.


Mac Gregor…started an informal study hall in the library

This year Megan created a campus wide initiative called Get It Done. Get It Done is an informal study hall that is held in the library every Wednesday and Thursday. These study halls are attended by both students and faculty, and offer a quiet space to promote learning. Megan has a very talkative black cat named Assam who is nine years old and, in her spare time, is an avid croquet player.

Megan began playing Six Wickets Croquet back in middle school with her family in Maine. In this version of croquet the mallets and balls are larger, but the wickets are narrower. A player is not allowed to stand on an opponent’s ball and knock it into oblivion so, with the disgruntled player’s ball still close at hand, one must be strategic in one’s efforts.