Please recognize your colleague by nominating her/him for one of the five Libraries Awards. Since 1974, the University Libraries Award honors any person for their contributions to the libraries and/or the profession. The 20-year Margaret Knoll Spangler Oliver (MKSO) Libraries Award recognizes success of any full-time or part-time employee. The more recent Diversity Award and Teaching Award recognize an individual and/or group whose work in either of these areas advances the Libraries’ mission. And, this year we look forward to the first recipient of the Shirley J. Davis Staff Excellence Award.
Deadline is April 15, 2016. The nomination process appears on the Awards website:
You can also contact any member of the 2016 Awards Committee:
Joe Fennewald, chair
Dawn Amsberry
Linda Friend
Megan MacGregor
Glenn Masuchika
Manuel Ostos
Lauren Reiter