Update on Symphony move to Linux

Testing continues on all features and functions of Symphony. So far, so good!

  • Testing of Workflows and reports is nearing completion.
  • Testing of The CAT started last week.
  • Testing of integrations with Penn State and other vendor systems is ongoing.

Our testing team represents all of the functional areas of Symphony (Cataloging, Bibloads, Circulation, SelfChecks, Reserves, Serials, Acquisitions, Discovery/The CAT, Fines and Fees, Performance, Policies, Reports) plus major integrations including Aeon, ILL services, LionSearch, WebServices, etc. Team members work actively with others in their areas to ensure thorough testing.

Symphony to Linux Testing Team Members:

John Attig, Tim Babcock, Heather Benner, Greg Berky, Grace Brooks, Shane Burris, Todd Douty, Michelle Dzyak, Jeff Edmunds, Chris Holobar, Jaime Jamison, James Keyzer-Andre, Linda Klimczyk, Maryam Kutchemshgi, Trish Notartomas, Linda Struble

If you feel that we’ve missed an area of focus or set of features please contact Linda Klimczyk at lgk1@psu.edu.