Discovery Day Testimonials

By: Carmen Gass

Testimonials from Discovery Day 2017.

“Last year, the Life Sciences Library presented a session on the little known collections of their library, including the Audobon prints, anatomical models and a tour of the Kneebone Mushroom Reference Library. We enjoyed introducing everyone to these collections and the lively conversations that ensued.”  – Amy Paster

Discovery Day 2017 mushroom growing kit

Mushroom growing kit on display in the Kneebone Mushroom Reference Library

“The Discovery Day book binding activity run by Jose Guerrero was a fascinating look in to the similarities across book binding, regardless of complexity. Spending the day with colleagues in an informal environment helps to foster and sustain connections across the libraries.” – Torrie Raish

Torrie Raish, Carmen Cole and Heather Froehlich – Bookbinding activity

Book binding with Jose Guerrero










More than Superheroes: Comics and Graphic Novels in the Libraries,  John Meier


“Every Discovery Day has been a unique experience for me, both as an attendee and a presenter. I have been on tours, learned yoga, storytelling, and many other memorable sessions.”

– John Meier