Customer Service Tip: People always complain about that

By: Shep Hyken (submitted by Carmen Gass)

The other day I was at my hotel waiting for my client to pick me up for a meeting. I wanted a quick breakfast, so I went to the hotel’s coffee shop to pick up some oatmeal. They had instant
oatmeal in a cup. The cashier added the hot water and $4.00 later I was on my way. I sat down at an open seat in the hotel lobby and noticed that my oatmeal looked more like soup that oatmeal. Usually, you just wait a few minutes and the oatmeal thickens up, but that was not the case. So, I walked over to the coffee shop to see if they had any suggestions. Her response: “People always complain about that.”

She was very nice and gave me my money back. I started to think about what happened. If “people always complain about that,” then why do they continue to serve it? Read more here .