Discovery Day Session Highlight: Emergency Medical Services (EMS) in your community

By: Carmen Gass

Ever wondered what it’s like to be an EMT?

What has it been like working 25 years full-time? What about 15 years part-time? What’s it like to be just starting out?

Come and hear three EMTs perspectives on working in State College EMS.

Presenters: Albert Rozo, Julia Thompson, Dave Jones
W140 Pattee, 10:30 – 11:30am

One thought on “Discovery Day Session Highlight: Emergency Medical Services (EMS) in your community

  1. barbara bellehumeur

    I would like to learn how a Ambulance call is answered. How is the Ambulance Service chosen that arrives at your place pf emergency when 911 is called. If you are a LifeLink member does that service arrive on campus, or is the service from PSU, etc.???

    When there is a preexisting condition or rare disorder are these conditions charted on a callers record with the ambulance service? Is it the sole responsibility of the patient to provide said info?
    Does the EMT have info / chart data that shares this med emergency info with the EMT automatically?

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