Daily Archives: October 26, 2020

Tech Update: Wednesday, Oct. 28: 2-3 p.m.

By: Melody Gehlbach

Zoom link: https://psu.zoom.us/j/8148630468

My Libraries Account – Learn more about new feature which allows you to view and renewing checkouts, viewing and modifying holds, and viewing your bills.

Security Awareness – Report out on the status of library security monitoring plus issues that we should all be watching out for (Phishing scams, personal device security, ransomware
preparedness, password strength).

Global Protect – New client used to connect to the Penn State VPN and keep our network safe while allowing users to access our resources. How this will affect you and our users and
how to use the Global Protect.

Advanced Threat Protection – ATP is the replacement for Symantec on your computer. What this product does, how it works and what you can do to help us with implementation.

Lifecycle – What to expect during Lifecycle this year, how the process will be managed and what timelines you can expect to see.

Computer Management – How we are managing updates to computers, plans for the “Corona” laptops and what you can do to help us.

Libraries Researcher Metadata Database, Orcid and You – Learn about the Libraries Research Metadata Database and how you can use it to write to your ORCiD account.

Tech Tip: Windows updates on University Libraries machines

By: Ryan Johnson

Windows restart screenshot for tech tip

Library Strategic Technologies has been getting recent questions about Windows updates and what to do. The reason you are getting more requests to restart for updates is because EIT changed the way in which the Libraries receive Windows updates. Normally, Strat-Tech would run these patches on a weekend when no one is working. Now the patches will try to run as soon as Microsoft releases them.  The ‘pending’ updates are ones that most likely are waiting on a restart or another update to install first.  Please keep your machine update-to-date and install the patches if prompted, but please feel free to schedule them when its best for you if you have that option.  Also, please keep in mind that borrowed laptops will also receive these updates.