By: Lauren Reiter
Throughout the year, the Informed Consumer committee has coordinated programs for students, staff, and faculty aligned with PA Forward’s five literacies: basic, information,
civic/social, health, and financial.
Financial literacy means “having the knowledge and understanding necessary to make informed fiscal/economic decisions for personal life planning and business interests, including responsible budgeting, spending, and saving skills,” according to PA Forward.
This year, the Informed Consumer Committee hosted the Financial Fridays Book Club to help students develop financial literacy skills, including setting financial goals, exploring individual
financial priorities, and budgeting basics.
Each Friday for one month, a member of the committee led a one-hour workshop via Zoom covering one week of content from The 30 Day Money Cleanse by Ashley Feinstein Gerstley. Participants engaged in discussions via Padlet and polls via PollEverywhere to collaborate remotely. Session moderators also curated free financial literacy readings and tools from trustworthy sources such as the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau so students could further explore the topic of the week.
Want to build your own financial literacy skills? Access the book club activities and resources as well as a free e-book of The 30-Day Money Cleanse (available through the University Libraries)
at the LibGuide here:
—Emily Mross