Daily Archives: May 31, 2022

PA Forward Financial Literacy

By: Lauren Reiter

Throughout the year, the Informed Consumer committee has coordinated programs for students, staff, and faculty aligned with PA Forward’s five literacies: basic, information,
civic/social, health, and financial.

Financial literacy means “having the knowledge and understanding necessary to make informed fiscal/economic decisions for personal life planning and business interests, including responsible budgeting, spending, and saving skills,” according to PA Forward.

This year, the Informed Consumer Committee hosted the Financial Fridays Book Club to help students develop financial literacy skills, including setting financial goals, exploring individual
financial priorities, and budgeting basics.

Each Friday for one month, a member of the committee led a one-hour workshop via Zoom covering one week of content from The 30 Day Money Cleanse by Ashley Feinstein Gerstley. Participants engaged in discussions via Padlet and polls via PollEverywhere to collaborate remotely. Session moderators also curated free financial literacy readings and tools from trustworthy sources such as the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau so students could further explore the topic of the week.

Want to build your own financial literacy skills? Access the book club activities and resources as well as a free e-book of The 30-Day Money Cleanse (available through the University Libraries)
at the LibGuide here: https://guides.libraries.psu.edu/financialfridays/moneycleanse.

—Emily Mross

Tech Tip: Reply all email etiquette

By: Ryan Johnson

email etiquette graphic for tech tip.

Using reply all allows for efficient group communications but it’s helpful to first make sure you are familiar with social standards of reply-all emails to avoid cluttering people’s email boxes when emailing large groups or listservs at the University. Below are some easy guidelines for using reply all in work situations:

When to Choose Reply All

  1. You Have Relevant Questions – Use reply all if you have a question that other contacts in the thread might have as well. Asking this type of question through reply all lessens the possibility of the original sender issuing multiple replies with the same answer.
  2. Your Response Could Have a Direct Effect on Others – Replying to all is the most efficient option when you have important information for the majority of the people included in the message thread.

When to Reply to an email with a different method

  1. Your response is only pertinent to the sender – If your response is relevant only to the original sender and not everyone on the message thread’s contact list, then send your email only to that person.
  2. You want to reply to a few people in a listserv or discussion group –

Unless your email asks a question that others might have, has a direct effect on the majority of recipients or involves scheduling a meeting with a small group, it would be best to find a more effective communication method.

For example, if a listserv message goes out offering congratulations to a coworker, it is most considerate to reply only to that individual to offer congratulations rather than the entire thread.


Customer Service Tip: The way it’s always been done

By: Jeremy Watkin, submitted by Carmen Gass

I’ve never really considered myself a “reptile person.” On those occasions where I’ve encountered snakes while hiking or working in the yard, I always jump clear out of my shoes in
complete fright.

It was Christmas of 2020 when my son made us a reptile family by welcoming a corn snake named “Mouse” into our home. Oh, and her favorite food is mice so it’s a fitting name. She was about a year old and two feet long at the time but has since doubled in size.

She actually has a great temperament, often content to gently wrap herself around a willing arm for an unspecified amount of time. And as far as pets go, a snake is incredibly low maintenance, eating and going to the bathroom about once a week. It’s all still a bit creepy though, but we’re adapting. Read more here.