Libraries Strategic Planning Retreat: March 24

The Libraries will hold an open Strategic Planning Retreat on March 24 in the Nittany Lion Inn.  At this meeting we’ll draw heavily upon the results of our seven working groups to give more definition to the goals and strategies the University Libraries will pursue over the next five years.  Our expected schedule is to begin at 10:00am and end by 4:00pm. Attendees will receive lunch and there will be breaks for coffee and snacks.

This retreat is open to any full-time libraries employee:  staff or faculty.   The Libraries Administration anticipates that supervisors will make every effort to accommodate an employee’s wish to participate in this event.

Although this is an open event, you must register by March 10 to participate.  A limited number of hotel rooms are being held at the Nittany Lion Inn for attendees traveling to University Park. If you expect to need a hotel room, I ask that you register by the end of day, Thursday February 27.  We will assign those on a first-come, first-served basis, so you should register early.

Finally, a word about process.  When the working groups submit their reports at the end of February, we’ll move those online for public review and comment as soon as possible.   At the retreat, we will likely be discussing new drafts of our mission, vision, and values, as well as possible goals and strategies to pursue over the next five years.  By the end of April we hope to have a relatively coherent draft strategic plan available for review and comment.

Feel free to send questions to members of the Steering Committee, or to use the comment features on the Strategic Planning website to do so.

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