February Strategic Planning Forums

As announced in our January Strategic Planning Update, several working groups have begun working on topics including in the Libraries Strategic Planning Framework.  Each working group tackles a specific piece of the Libraries Framework for Strategic Planning, and during the month of February they are looking for your ideas regarding the Libraries future.

One of several ways we’ll be gathering your input will be through two strategic planning forums in February, which are open to all Libraries employees who are interested. These will be available via MediaSite Live.  No registration is required: we only ask that you if you come, you participate.

Thursday February 6 at 11:00am
Foster Auditorium, University Park (also via MediaSite Live)

Topics:  Programmatic Areas, including Teaching & Learning; Discovery, Access, & Preservation; and Advancing University Research.

Monday February 17 at 3:00pm
Foster Auditorium, University Park (also via MediaSite Live)

Topics: Foundational Issues, including Diversity; Ethics & Integrity; and Sustainability.

We hope you’ll have time to participate, and if not, to contact any of the members of the steering committee or working groups to share your ideas.

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