Day 1

What should the CCL Libs be doing?

Information literacy–university should recognize the value
Deep engagement!
Resources of big university with advantages of a local campus
Research commons/scholar lab at campuses
Undergrad research–literacy beyond info literacy
Technology literacy/training/workshops
Serving multiple populations
Overarching plan for info literacy — move beyond the one-shot session
More centralization of plans for resource creation — prepackaged instruction content.
Build on the strengths, don’t overexpand
Use our staff more thoughtfully
Don’t lose track of space–space is still critical part of our purpose
Collaboration with academic partners on campuses
Share resources (human) across libraries — what are the back office things?
Avoid becoming faceless bureaucracy–maintaining personal connections.
We need to define core missions–but are the weaknesses on our campus core, or are we just kindhearted?
How broadly/narrowly do we define our mission.

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