Working Group on Mission, Vision and Values


  • Amanda Maple, Chair
  • Matt Cizek
  • Kelly Kaiserian
  • John Meier, liaison to the Steering Committee


During our November faculty retreat, several people commented that we should review and possible re-write the statement of our Mission, Vision, and Values as they appear in the 2008-2013 Strategic Plan.  In general our mission is well understood, and we may also have good general agreement on values, but our vision has been called “fuzzy.”   Any new mission, vision, and values statements should be clear, concise, and communicate why we do what we do in a way that excites the entire Libraries. 


Please review our existing statements and review similar statements from other research libraries. Then, with as much library-wide input as possible, please draft at least two re-statements of the Mission, Vision, Values of the Libraries that are dynamic and forward looking.

Please plan to provide this in writing by February 28, which will be shared with the entire libraries for feedback.  A larger strategic planning retreat will be held in March.

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