Strategic Planning Working Group on Discovery, Access, and Preservation


  • Jeff Edmunds, Chair
  • Dace Freivalds
  • Ben Goldman
  • Erin Burns, Liaison to the Steering Committee


How will the world find and use information in the next decade? If the Library is no longer the first choice for discovery, what is our responsibility for this issue? How do we ensure that our resources can be found no matter where you start, and can be used no matter what medium you use for access? How can we promote worldwide access to research and scholarship from Penn State? How can we effectively manage collections and other information resources? How do we ensure that scholarly materials, research results, and information of all sorts are durable and accessible for decades to come?

Sample issues:

  • Network level discovery
  • Collaborative infrastructure
  • Shared collection development and management
  • Digital preservation
  • Digitization
  • Seamless access
  • Metadata management
  • Worldwide users


Gather input and provide a 2-3 page response to the following questions:

  1. What are the Libraries doing well in this area now that can be built upon?
  2. In this area, what are the most significant contributions the Libraries can make to the University in the next 5-10 years? What does success look like?
  3. What are the resource and expertise gaps we face in achieving this vision? What major accomplishments will enable our contributions?

Please plan to provide a written response to these questions by February 28, which will be shared with the entire libraries for feedback. A larger strategic planning retreat will be held in March.

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