Last Exam

Right now I am studying for my last exam and I am not looking too hot. I just feel hopeless and exhausted. I have learned so much this week at the farms and in classes but I just can’t think back to it. I think I might have some sort of memory loss because I am trying to think and nothing is coming up. I think my concussion is starting to kick in a week late…hehe just kidding!

I am getting really nervous though and I figured I would blog about it and get some thoughts out. We were told not to worry but my brain is fried. We had a lecture today about animal welfare and I don’t remember a thing. One of our farm visits today was miserable. It was a mix between exhaustion and flies eating our faces off. I cannot begin to describe my hate towards flies and how annoying they are here in Australia. They seriously stick to your face and won’t leave you alone. They buzz in your ears, eyes, nose, mouth, and any other thing you can think of.  Today, in my random time to distract myself from studying, I was wondering how flies live through harsh weather like the winter seasons. I almost started researching it! I honestly have no idea about flies, like where do they go when it rains or snows? They are barely around in the winter, do they just die?! How do they come back to life? These are some serious life questions I need answered people…

I guess I’ll get back to studying…PRAY FOR AN A, or at least to be awake for the exam since it is after a visit to an abattoir (slaughter house) and a lecture or something??? That’s how much I know about my day tomorrow. Just going with the flow! I’m trying to live by this whole “No worries mate” thing over here but considering I am having an anxiety attack right now because of a cocktail full of reasons (exhaustion, homesickness, exam, girl problems, and a heat stroke because my family has the air conditioning off).

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