One of the most exciting things to do before arriving at your new school is planning how you’re going to decorate your dorm room! Your dorm is going to become your new home so you want to make sure that it’s as homey and welcoming as possible.
It’s always nice to have a reminder of your hometown in your new room so I recommend bringing a flag or a poster to hang up on your walls! I’m from Puerto Rico, so right above my bed I had the Puerto Rican flag and it was always nice to have a little piece of home there with me.
On that note, wall decorations are CRUCIAL for the perfect room. No one wants to live in a room with plain white walls all around. Websites like PB Teen have a huge variety of wall accessories for boys and girls that can liven up any room. Another great idea for wall decorating is purchasing posters of your favorite movies, celebrities, and artists. However, my personal favorite is a tapestry with a nice print on it! People are also huge fans of hanging Christmas lights all year round. My apartment has them and they make it look cozy so I highly recommend it!
Bedding is something you might want to splurge on a little since you will most likely have a twin-sized bed for your entire college career. Freshman year, my roommate and I got coordinating bedding and it made our room look really nice, so you might want to talk to your roommate and get colors that go well with each other. Also, be sure to get a really comfortable mattress pad so your bed feels like a cloud. Walmart has plenty of different kinds you can pick from. Bed Bath and Beyond is another popular store for bedding and room accessories; they have everything from rugs to bathroom supplies.
Speaking of bathroom accessories, most dorms make you share a bathroom with the rest of your floor. Because of this you must remember to purchase a pair of shower shoes that you can wear while showering. You can find them anywhere; normal flip-flops would work just fine! You should also get a shower caddy so you can keep all of your shower necessities in one carrier. Bed Bath and Beyond has very durable ones in different colors. Not only that but they also have a “shop for college section” where you can find most of the things you might need.
The best advice I could give you for decorating your new room is to make is as “you” as possible! Also, try to get as many things as you can before move in day because when everyone moves into school at the same time the stores get packed and things run out quick!
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