As I am sitting here writing this post, I am having a hard time putting into words how I feel about graduation. I really am just a mix of emotions; sad to leave the place I have called home for the last four years, but also excited for the next chapter in my life and […]
How to fulfill those pesky gen-ed requirements
Scheduling classes can be stressful for any student, but when you are new to Penn State it can seem even more intimidating. You do not know what any of these classes are and in reality what is best to take. When you go to schedule classes at your advising session you are told to schedule […]
Penn State dining
Let’s face it, college campuses are not exactly known for their gourmet food options. When you think of a dining hall, you think of a few different buffet style options that you get bored of after a few weeks. Penn State has tried to change this and has made it so that each part of […]
“Studying 101”
You are excited just thinking about your freshman year of college. You think about all the new friends you are going to make, how you are going to design your dorm room, which game system to bring, and so on. What you are not necessarily thinking about, possibly by choice, is the academic portion of […]
Why I chose to be a Nittany Lion
It was 1A.M. and I had been tossing and turning all night. The last few days of January were winding down and I knew my Penn State decision would be posted by month’s end. I had a feeling that this night might have been the one that I would find out if I was admitted […]
All about CATA
Penn State is a big school so sometimes it is necessary to find some means of transportation other than using your own two feet and walking. Coming in freshman year I had no idea what CATA was or how to interpret the different bus schedules or routes. In order to not feel overwhelmed, like I […]
The Happy Valley weather essentials
Happy Valley is known for a lot of different things, one of which is its crazy or as us Penn Staters like to call it bi-polar weather. It is important to keep that in mind when doing that beloved back to school shopping. Since you may not have experienced a Penn State weather debacle yet, […]
From the classroom to the “real world”
Finding something you like to do is half the battle. While still in high school, this idea may seem far out of reach since most of your classes are not intended to inspire future career goals. Once you reach college, however, the skills you learn in the classroom can and will help you in future […]
State College’s best restaurants
You’re a freshman and have been living on meal points and Good 2 Go for the last few months when your parents inform you they are coming to visit. You panic because you have no idea where to bring them for dinner. State College has a lot more food options, that many students, especially freshmen […]
The ins and outs of the “MAcc” program
Matthew Shanfeldt is a senior at Penn State, University Park and is currently enrolled in the Integrated MAcc program. This five-year program is designed to give accounting majors a chance to get real world hands on experience while giving them their master’s degree all over the span of five years. Let’s see what Matt has […]