What a Time to be a Liv

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Mental Burnout

In the weeks prior to the stressful time of college finals, I have deemed it important to draw attention to the topic of mental burnout, especially in an academic year that lacked fall or spring breaks. 

What is Mental Burnout

Mental burnout can look and feel different depending on the person. According to the University of the People, academic burnout is a negative emotional, physical, and mental response to prolonged study, and it can result in exhaustion, lack of motivation, reduced ability, and frustration. Burnout can arise in response to various factors including a rigorous academic schedule, job or professional triggers, or social and relationship problems.

The Anxiety and Depression Association of America has found that 85% of college students report that they had felt overwhelmed by everything they had to do at some point in the past year.

Symptoms of mental burnout are much more serious than the occasional tiredness from a long day or lack of motivation to attend class. Burnout has the ability to lead to serious health problems such as depression, insomnia and headaches. Therefore, it is important that students are aware of this condition and can recognize its symptoms. 

According to Healthline, warning signs of burnout can include losing sight of your goals, difficulty concentrating, increased frustration and irritability, difficulty maintaining relationships, and unexplained fatigue or insomnia. 

How to Help

  • Change it up: rearrange your schedule in order to get a fresh start to your days
  • Reach out: It is beneficial to speak about your what is bothering you to close relatives, friends, or a therapist
  • Leave work at work: make sure to separate your school work from your personal time
  • Remind yourself what makes you happy: engage in activities like walks with your best friend, calls with your mom, snuggle time with pets, or a bathtub reading session

Tips to Avoid Burnout in the Future

  • Practice good time management 
  • Set realistic expectations and goals
  • Prioritize self-care 
  • Get a sufficient amount of sleep
  • Take breaks (small ones throughout the day and long vacations!)

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