Water Crisis: Mexico City

Water is essential to survival, and for most, it is easily accessed. In America, we have water to drink, to bathe, to use the bathroom, along with endless other amounts of use of the element. In my opinion, we tend to neglect the importance of water, as many people live each day struggling to find […]

Project Part: Present State of the Electoral College

Our Founding Fathers created the electoral college with intention to enshrine the best method for choosing the President of the United States. Yet, over time, this strategy has become no longer relevant to American society’s. At the time of its creation, it was believed that the general public lacked the capacity to effectively elect the […]

Gun Violence in America

36,383 Americans die yearly from gun violence.  22,274 Gun Suicides.  12,830 Gun Homicides 496 Law Enforcement Shootings 487 Unintentional Shootings 295 Undetermined For the first time since 2008, the Supreme Court is set to wade into a highly charged gun control debate. The court has firmly declined to take up any gun rights cases in […]

POV: Rhetoric and Civic Life

My views on rhetoric and civil life have greatly developed over the course of this semester. Back over summer orientation when scheduling classes, I had no idea what I was getting into. To me, this class was just a requirement. But, throughout our course work, I have come to really enjoy the ideals behind public […]