Project Part: Present State of the Electoral College

Our Founding Fathers created the electoral college with intention to enshrine the best method for choosing the President of the United States. Yet, over time, this strategy has become no longer relevant to American society’s. At the time of its creation, it was believed that the general public lacked the capacity to effectively elect the best nominee, but with recent technological advances, citizens now have access to information about candidates through the internet, thus allowing voters to make informed decisions. 

Not only does the electoral college neglect voters abilities, but it also gives too much power to swing states, allowing the presidential election to be decided by only a handful of states. The Democratic and Republican parties can count on winning certain electoral votes depending on the states, such as California for the blue party and Indiana for the red party. Because of the electoral college, the presidential candidates only need to pay attention to a limited number of states that can swing between the parties. 

The will of the people is greatly overlooked through the entire process, as with a population of over 300 million people, the decision of presidency is dependant on 528 people. The 2016 election is a prominent factor in proving the corruption within the electoral college, as Donald Trump lost the general election to Hillary Clinton by over 2.8 million votes and won the electoral college by 74 votes. 

This is not democracy. 

Electors are supposed to represent the citizens of America, but this isn’t always the case in reality. Even President-elect Donald Trump, who greatly benefitted from the system, expressed his concerns of the electoral college. 

*Que video “President-elect Trump Speaks to a Divided Country on 60 Minutes”

*Trump tweet from 11/06/12 – “the electoral college is a disaster for democracy”

Transition to future of electoral college with a question

The Electoral College fails to represent the will of the people