May 2018 archive

Music Self Profile

Hi my name is Lauren Lizik. I have been involved in chorus throughout my high school career.  I loved traveling with the choir each year and competing.  We traveled to Washington D.C. and New York City.  I got to make so many memories.  I am not familiar with any classical works.  When I was in third grade I started to take piano lessons.  I played for three years.  Each summer was my piano recital.  I am very happy I learned I learned how to play piano I still remember how to play a few songs.  My favorite style of music is today’s hits.  This is what I listen to on the radio in the car.  Taylor swift is one of my most favorite artists.  She has been a role model to me and still is.  I love how she is always changing up her style.  I am going to her concert this summer and I am very much looking forward to it.  Another artist I enjoy listening to especially in the summer is Jimmy Buffet.  I love summer and the beach.  His tropical music always make me happy.

Here is a link to one of my favorite Taylor Swift songs:

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